“Look in the mirror, that’s your competition”
What does your clothes represent? My clothes has evolved in it’s representation. At first, because my parents couldn’t afford much, it was pobresa. When a local church and the community would give us clothes, it was necessidad! Wearing your older brother or sister’s pants, pajamas or calzones, was la realidad! When I learned to construct my own clothes and match with my thrifting, it became creatividad. Now that I’m free and feeling fire- lots of fire, me visto con mas sensualidad! Since falling in love with me, me visto con mas seguridad. With that kind of confidence comes more sexualidad! Pero, since I spotted a WOC wearing a bright turban, a chula wearing some hoops and her burning red lips, in congress?! Uuuuffff…! They were in Washington, in the news, in political magazines, as well as high fashion literature! Pues ahora me visto con mas libertad. What does my clothes represent? Pues como dijo un chulo, “Lo que se ve, no se pregunta”
Be free to wear who you are. Be proud to be you and let’s get more chulas in congress! Please shop at or donate any new or gently used clothing to IN THE MAKING BOUTIQUE in EAST LOS ANGELES.
IN THE MAKING is a non profit organization founded by a badass chicana from our community. Money raised provides jobs, mentoring, empowerment, inspiration, and endless enrichment for the youth in East LA.
The fact you went from pobresa to riqueza is pura belleza! I love it!
You’re such an inspiration.
Eres chingona! Me siento orgullosa de ser mujer! Keep em coming 💪🏼
Fashion is about pure confidence and you definitely display that! Brands don’t define us! We can rock thrift-store finds with MexiChic con Gucci y todo! Latina fashion is bold, colorful and definitely sexy! Muy Caliente Diana, keep, keeping us looking delicious!!
Chicana hermosa
More cholas in Congress! Who doesn’t love a woman with some big bad hoops?! That’s what I’m talking about! It’s all about confidence. It’s not where you get your clothes or your jewelry from, it’s how you carry yourself when you wear it. Always be FABULOSA!